PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
Years of mechanism: 2012 2013
With USG funding, Geneva Global provides subgrants and technical assistance designed to:- Strengthen the capacity of families, local community-based and faith-based organizations (C/FBOs), and community leaders to plan, deliver, support, monitor, and evaluate HIV/AIDS prevention and care services.-Reduce vulnerability to HIV infection, through quality HIV/AIDS prevention services, targeting out-of-school youth (ages 15-24), particularly girls, in religious, technical and informal education settings, as well as adults in sexual partnerships, seasonal agriculture workers, commercial sex workers and their partners, and people living with HIV/AIDS and their families.- Improve quality of life for people living with or affected by HIV, including OVC, through expanded access to quality care and support servicesTo achieve cost-efficiency, Geneva Global will monitor sub-grantee budgets and costs over time, using a measure called cost-per-life-impacted (CPLI), which provides the cost of delivering services to each beneficiary following minimum standards.Strategies to transition activities to Ivoirian structures include establishing and equipping local HIV/AIDS committees, providing organizational and technical capacity building for local subpartners, and signing long-term collaboration agreements with local private-sector entities, collectivities, and other stakeholders.To ensure high-quality monitoring and evaluation (M&E), data quality will be assessed during site visits and routine data quality assessments to correct weaknesses and adjust the program as needed. Geneva Global will also set up a quality improvement team for peer education and OVC care.VehiclesThrough COP11: 1New requests in COP12: 0Total planned vehicles for life of mechanism: 1
With USG funding, Geneva Global provides subgrants, training, and mentoring to local subpartners working in and around HIV testing and counseling (TC) sites in southern Cote dIvoire to provide care and support services to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).
Caregivers will provide PLWHA and their households with home-based HIV prevention services (including condoms) and psychological, spiritual, and social support. HIV-positive clients will be linked to care and treatment services. Caregivers will refer clients to health care facilities for management of problems that cannot be addressed at home. Subpartners that are not able to provide complete care and support will establish referral systems to complete the continuum of care.Supported home caregivers will respect PLWHA and their right to confidentiality. The care provided will be holistic and focused on identified medical and other needs of PLWHA. Advice will be given on common opportunistic infections (e.g. malaria prevention and availability of bed nets) and nutrition, including health locally available foods..
Geneva Global will take into account the gender dynamic of sexual relations and risk-taking behavior before implementing interventions and will monitor programs by sex to avoid gender inequalities. Geneva Globals implementers will ensure equitable access to care services by women and men and eliminate barriers that women may selectively face in receiving ongoing care. Selected women and girls living with or affected by HIV/AIDS will be provided with access to productive resources.
Geneva Global will implement an M&E plan tracking project-specific as well as PEPFAR and national indicators and will report to the USG strategic information team quarterly program results and ad hoc requested program data.All project activities will be coordinated with the Ministry of Health and AIDS and will support the National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan. Geneva Global will participate in technical working groups and establish partnerships with local structures to develop linkages for maternal/child health and family-planning services.
Geneva Global will work with the PEPFAR team and other partners and donors to coordinate intervention sites and avoid double-counting results.
With USG funding, Geneva Global provides subgrants, training, and mentoring to local subpartners working in and around HIV testing and counseling (TC) sites in southern Cote dIvoire to provide care and support services for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and their families.
With supported TC sites as local hubs, Geneva Global subpartners will identify OVC through TC, PMTCT, and other health facilities, support groups for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), and other HIV-relevant entry points. Based on assessed individual and family needs, subpartners will provide psychological, social, and spiritual support; food and other nutrition services (particularly for ages 0-2 years); economic strengthening activities; health care referral; educational and vocational training support; shelter; and legal support. Subpartners will be encouraged to sign long-term collaboration agreements with local privatesector entities, decentralized collectivities, and other stakeholders.
Geneva Global will take into account the gender dynamics of the epidemic and will monitor programs by sex and age to ensure that gender inequalities are not ignored. Geneva Globals implementers will ensure equitable access to care services by boys and girls and eliminate barriers that girls may selectively face in receiving ongoing care.A quality improvement team will be put in place in each site to assess performance and measure changes in child well-being. The Child Status Index tool will be used to assess vulnerabilities and measure OVC well-being. Particular attention will be paid to ensure that gender-sensitive materials and approaches are applied. Geneva Globals quality Improvement team will undertake monthly visits with local OVC coordination platforms to detect weaknesses and build subpartner capacities.
All data collectors and potential users will receive an M&E procedures manual validated by GenevaGlobal and its subpartners. Data quality will be assessed during site visits and routine data quality assessmenets. Information collected from the above activities will be reported on, disaggregated by sex and age,and shared with stakeholders to inform program adjustments and serve as lessons learned.
Geneva Global will participate actively, and will require subpartners to participate actively, in building functional coordination mechanisms for OVC activities based on the national model of collaborative platforms anchored by social centers.
All project activities will be coordinated with the National OVC Program and will support the National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan. Geneva Global will participate in technical working groups and establish partnerships with local structures to develop linkages for maternal/child health and family-planning services.
In the program area of AB prevention, Geneva Global will provide sub-grants, training, and mentoring to 10 local community- or faith-based organizations working in and around HIV testing and counseling (TC) sites in southern Côte dIvoire.
With supported TC sites as local hubs, Geneva Globals strategy is to support prevention education through peer educators, peer groups, influential figures, local HIV/AIDS committees, and clubs that reach out-of-school youth (ages 15-24 years), particularly out-of-school girls with messages and skills to delay their sexual debut or practice fidelity to a single sexual partner. Adults, including seasonal agriculture workers, are targeted with messages promoting knowledge of HIV status and correct and consistent condom use. FY 2012 funding will also support AB-oriented training for 250 new peer educators and refresher training for 150 peer educators, supervisors, project coordinators, and M&E focal points.
Geneva Global will work with JHUCCP strategic communication programs to improve parent-to-child communication on sexual education.
Geneva Global will undertake regular review of the program to monitor issues with site selection, appropriate/eligible target group or beneficiary selection, choices of appropriate delivery methods, selection of relevant content, and availability, standardization, and relevance of materials.Geneva Global will conduct surveys to measure changes in knowledge and attitudes about HIV/AIDS and percentage of young people who develop life skills for delaying first sexual intercourse or, among sexually active young people, increase condom use and decrease the number of sexual partners.All project activities will be coordinated with the Ministry of Health and AIDS and will support the National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan. Geneva Global will participate in technical working groups and establish partnerships with local structures to develop linkages for maternal/child health and family-planning services.
With USG funding, Geneva Global provides subgrants, training, and mentoring to local subpartners working in and around HIV testing and counseling (TC) sites in southern Cote dIvoire to provide HIV prevention, care, and support services for target populations.
Geneva Globals TC program will be based on partners operating stand-alone TC services, with TC outreach to targeted high-risk populations in highprevalence zones. With the supported TC sites serving as a hub, local subpartners will provide a continuum of HIV prevention services and care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS and OVC.TC services will focus on zones where HIV prevalence is more than 5%. Subpartners will provide limited outreach services through mobile testing units using door-to-door and mass campaign strategies to mobilize people for TC. Testing will follow the national algorithm and include use of finger-prick rapid tests.Community counselors will be trained in TC according to national and international standards an in-service training program in coordination with the Ministry of Health and AIDS National HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Program (PNPEC).
To ensure successful referrals and linkages, subpartners will use referral and counter-referral sheets to be signed both by care service providers and subpartners.Geneva Global will undertake regular review of the program to monitor issues with site selection, appropriate/eligible target group or beneficiary selection, choices of appropriate delivery methods, selection of relevant content, and availability, standardization, and relevance of materials.All project activities will be coordinated with the Ministry of Health and AIDS and will support the National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan. Geneva Global will participate in technical working groups and establish partnerships with local structures to develop linkages for maternal/child health and family-planning services.
Geneva Global will provide technical and logistic support for National Testing Day. .Geneva Global will implement an M&E plan tracking project-specific as well as PEPFAR and national indicators and will report to the USG strategic information team quarterly program results and ad hoc requested program data. Geneva Global will collect, analyze, and disseminate data to ensure adequate baseline data and regular data reports to support targeted service delivery, program monitoring and evaluation, and appropriate information systems.
In the program area of Condoms and Other Prevention, Geneva Global will provide sub-grants, training, and mentoring to local organizations working in and around HIV testing and counseling (TC) sites in southern Côte dIvoire.With supported TC sites as local hubs, Geneva Globals strategy is to support prevention education through peer educators, peer groups, influential figures, local HIV/AIDS committees, and clubs that target adults and sexually active out-of-school youth with messages promoting knowledge of HIV status and correct and consistent condom use, as part of a comprehensive sexual-prevention intervention.
Geneva Global will also target commercial sex workers and their clients and regular partners through subgrants, training, and mentoring.
The minimum package of non-AB prevention interventions will include provision of focused information, communication for behaviour change, life-skills development, promotion of correct and consistent condom use, diagnosis and care for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV testing, prevention with positives, and adressing community stigma.For clients other than most-at-risk populations and HIV-positive people, Geneva Global will participate in national efforts to develop a cost-recovery strategy for condom marketing.
Subpartners will sign memorandums of understanding with local health care centers for STI treatment and will work closely with local health districts to carry out and evaluate the effectiveness of referral systems for medical supervision and sustainability of service delivery.
Geneva Global will undertake regular review of the program and will conduct surveys to measure percentage of sexually active people who increase condom use.
All project activities will be coordinated with the Ministry of Health and AIDS and will support the National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan. Geneva Global will participate in technical working groups and establish partnerships with local structures to develop linkages for maternal/child health and family-planning services.